Lead, follow, or get the Hell out of my way, Mr. President!
Several things have happened today that need reporting on. The 1900 pages House of Representives abomination that even covers VENDING MACHINES. OMG! I don't really care at this point if it's a REP, DEM, IND, or JERK! The people in Washington have lost their minds! That's number one.
As I was sitting at the ol' computer listening to tunes and thinking of things that better go unsaid, not bad things, just personal things. One of my favorite CD's got popped in the player. Charlie Daniels. The Mrs and I saw him perform at the University of North Carolina in Wilmington, NC. He was born and raised right across the Cape Fear River, in Leland County if I remember right. He had his 80+ year old mother on the stage at the concert. He seems to be very country and down to earth. Well, as I am so prone to say, it started me thinking. Not good! Here's what I cam up with.
Some excerpts from a couple of his sons "struck a cord with me" . Get that struck a cord, Charlie Daniels, that's a joke. How 'bout a chuckle. Here are some of the words I found worth repeating and thinking about.
Some people ain’t afraid to take a stand
What this world needs is a little more respect,
For the Lord and the lawSome good people up front to take the lead
I ain't nothing but a simple man,Call me a redneck,